School Uniform
School Uniform
Our school colours are royal blue and grey and our uniform consists of:
- A royal blue sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan embroidered with the school's logo, which can be purchased from Skoolkit.
- Skirts, culottes, trousers, pinafores or shorts are grey. In the warmer weather a light blue and white gingham summer dress/playsuit may be worn.
- White short sleeved polo shirt to be worn under the sweatshirt or cardigan.
- Socks and tights should be black, grey or white.
- Shoes should be sturdy and appropriate to run around and play in.
P.E. Clothing
Your child will need:
- Pale blue polo shirt.
- Dark blue shorts, cycling shorts or skort.
- Dark blue plain sweatshirt and jogging bottoms.
- Trainers or plimsolls
The only piece of our school uniform that we would request has the logo is the royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan which can be purchased at Skoolkit - 15 Church Street, Basingstoke, RG21 7QG Website:
We always have a number of pre-loved jumpers and cardigans available in school for a small donation.
All other pieces of our school uniform are widely available at most supermarkets.
Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.
If you are struggling financially to provide the school uniform for your child please contact All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.