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Meet the Governors

Kempshott Infant School has a dedicated team of Governors who are either appointed as Parent Governors, Co-opted Governors, Staff Governors or Local Authority Governors. They remain on the Governing Body for a term of four years and may be co-opted for further terms if their skills are required. Vacancies for Governors are communicated through the School to the Parent Body and Hampshire County Council (HCC) Governor Services Team. All Governors are members of the Full Governing Body (FGB) and meet collectively once a month (excluding December and August). Each Governor has a clear role in supporting and holding the school to account.  They also have a link to a particular School Improvement Priority to monitor progress and visits the school during the day at least once each term to monitor progress towards identified goals. This ensures that Kempshott Infant Governors ‘know their School’ and are able to challenge the school to achieve the very best outcomes for children. 

Our Governors

Name Role(s)
Mrs R. Edwards-Peal


Parent Governor

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Governor

Head Teacher's Performance Management Group


Mr S. Quickfall


Safeguarding Governor

Finance Monitoring Group

Head Teacher's Performance Management Group


Mrs N. Potter Head Teacher
Mr T. Norman

Vice Chair

Parent Governor

Pay Committee

Mrs C. Wright

Vice Chair



Pay Committee

Mr A. Briggs

Parent Governor

Health and Safety Governor

Finance Monitoring Group

Pay Committee

Ms. Beth Allatt Co-opted
Mr Jignesh Desha Parent Governor
Mr Ben Howard Co-opted
Mr Peter Straw Parent Governor

Mrs Robyn Edwards-Peal - Chair

I'm very pleased to have been elected as Parent Governor.  I have a vested interest in Kempshott Infant School as my oldest son is currently in Year 1 and my other son will attend once he is old enough.  I myself work in eduation, as Head of Art and Technology at a local secondary school.  I have been teaching for over 10 years so therefore have lots of knowledge and experience in educational settings.  Living in Kempshott myself, I would like to give something back to the local community and be a part of the school continuing to succeed for many years to come.  I enjoy long walks with my crazy Springer Spaniel and going to the beach in the Summer or Winter, as it's our favourite place to go.

Mr Simon Quickfall - Chair

I’m a Father of two children who previously attended Kempshott Infant School, although that does seem like many years ago. I was lucky enough to be voted in as a Parent Governor and then as co-opted Governor between 2012 and 2018. Having taken a short break, I returned in a co-opted role and I'm now one of two dedicated and passionate co-chairs of the Governing Body. 

I’m extremely proud to be a member of an exceptional school with strong leadership and wonderful staff. In my day job I work for the Financial Conduct Authority and have a governance and compliance role over the Financial Promotions of authorised financial sector firms. Prior to that I was police officer for 18-years. I believe that our children should feel comfortable and safe. As such I’m pleased to be able to use skills developed over years of Policing in my safeguarding governance role. 

Mr Tom Norman - Vice Chair

I have had the privilege of serving as a governor at Kempshott Infants since June 2022 and was honoured to be appointed Co-Vice Chair in 2024. Since then, I have found it immensely rewarding to contribute to setting the school’s direction and strategy and to offer support to both teaching and non-teaching staff.

Both of my daughters have attended Kempshott Infants, with my youngest still at the school. I feel deeply connected to the school community and am committed to helping it thrive. In my professional life, I work as a Learning & Development Manager, specialising in learning experience, learning technology and digital learning. I believe that we all learn best when fully engaged in the subject, and, just as importantly, when learning is enjoyable! I hope to bring insights and fresh ideas from the corporate learning world to complement the outstanding work already being done by our educators.

Mrs Carly Wright - Vice Chair

I am excited to have been appointed as a co-opted governor of Kempshott Infant School in November 2021.  As a resident of Kempshott, I believe this is the perfect way to get involved with the local community and hopefully make a difference.  I am passionate in my beliefs that every child, regardless of background or ability, has the right to a high standard of education centred around their individual needs.  In my professional life I run a busy lettings and estate agency which enables me to engage confidently with people on a daily basis, whilst making sure my team are happy and efficiently carrying out their roles.  In my spare time (ha!) I am a mum to two boys, one of which has just started Kempshott Infant School.  If you asked them, they would say I enjoy playing superheroes and football!

Mr Andy Briggs

I am a father of two who have both attended Kempshott Infants.  I am currently employed as a shopping centre manager in Reading with overall responsibility for a team of 110, within a centre that employs over 4000 members of staff.  I have significant leadership experience with strong influencing skills and the ability to communicate effectively, building working relationships at any level.

Just like every other parent at Kempshott Infant School, I want the very best for my children.  I want them to be happy, confident and become the very best they can be in an environment where they can achieve their full potential.  As parents we need to support the school but when necessary, we should push the teaching team to consistently raise the bar.  Kempshott Infants is already a strong local school and just like everyone else, I want it to continue to succeed and improve further.

Mrs Beth Allatt

I am really proud to be appointed as a co-opted governor at Kempshott Infant School and I am looking forward to dedicating my time into getting involved with the school and sharing my skills to make a difference. In my job as an estate agent, I have interacted with people from many walks of life and I have a strong belief in giving all children the maximum opportunity to discover their full potential through education and giving them the best possible start in life. In my spare time, I enjoy long dog walks around the local countryside with my dog Teddy.

Mr Ben Howard

Having lived in Kempshott for several years, I am looking to give back to the community by assisting the Infant school as a co-opted governor. I was accepted onto the governing body in Sep 2023. Day to day, I have a role that is more like a vocation to me rather than a job.  It has offered me the opportunity to work alongside people from different backgrounds and nationalities whilst travelling across the globe. I have worked in Norway, California, Africa, the Falkland Islands and Jordan to name a few. When I am not working, I enjoy being outside and attempting DIY, a firm believer that learning never stops.

Mr Jignesh Desha

I am honoured to serve as a parent governor at KIS since March 2023. As a parent governor with a child attending the school, I am committed to contributing positively to the school’s development and success. With 20 years of experience in the IT field, I bring expertise in technology to the governing body. My motivation to join the governing board stems from a genuine interest in understanding the inner workings of the school and making meaningful contributions wherever possible. I believe in the importance of fostering an environment where every student can thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Outside of my professional life, I am an avid sport enthusiast currently focused on improving my golf skills. To keep myself active, I enjoy running and playing badminton. Originally from Mauritius, I have grown up within a very diverse societal context. I therefore value diversity and inclusivity, and I am keen to leverage my multicultural background to support the diverse needs of our school community. Above all, I cherish the time spent with my family and recognise the pivotal role that strong family-school partnerships play in shaping a child's educational journey. I look forward to collaborating with fellow governors, school staff, parents and students to continue the pursuit of excellence at KIS. Together, I am confident we can make a positive impact and create an environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential.