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School Lunches

All children in the Infant School are entitled to a universal free school meal.  Please click below to access the school menu.

Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch, in a lunchbox clearly marked with their name.  We are a Healthy Eating School, so please try to provide a balanced lunch.  Suggestions may be sandwiches, yoghurt, a piece of fruit or dried fruit and/or a suitable wafer/biscuit bar.   Fruit juice may be sent in their box for lunchtime.  We do not allow fizzy drinks, glass bottles, sweets or bars of chocolate in packed lunches.

For further ideas on how to provide a healthy lunchbox, please visit the following website:

Kempshott Infant School is a ‘nut free’ zone as we have a number of children with severe allergies to nuts. We therefore ask that you do not provide any foods containing nuts.