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Our School

School Organisation

There are nine mixed ability classes in the school, each class contains children belonging to the same year group. 


Year R – Chaffinch Class, Robin Class and Wren Class

Year 1 – Puffin Class, Kingfisher Class and Heron Class

Year 2 – Linnet Class, Woodpecker Class and Skylark Class


Each child spends three years in the Infant School before transferring to the Junior School.

Religious Education

Religious Education is part of the curriculum and the school follows the Hampshire syllabus ‘Living Difference III’.  It is non-denominational and broadly Christian in character, drawing on other religions to show the similarities in beliefs and moral concepts.  Details of the syllabus are available at the school office.

Collective Worship

Collective worship is held every day and forms an important part of our school community and the values we hold.  Themes vary from Bible stories to moral themes such as caring, sharing and praising good effort. 

Parents may withdraw their child from Collective Worship and Religious Education by informing the Head Teacher in writing.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of the education offered at Kempshott Infant School.  We want to help pupils develop an understanding of themselves and the world, to enjoy positive memorable experiences and to shape the communities they live in. Through working in close partnership with you, we aim for all children to flourish within the happy and safe environment of our school.


In 1989 the world made a set of promises to all children when it adopted “The Convention on the Rights of the Child”.  At Kempshott Infant School we make a promise to help every child understand their rights and their responsibility to respect the rights of others.


Kind Words, Kind Hands, Kind Feet

We have high expectations of behaviour at all times. We are a Rights Respecting school and believe that every child and adult at our school has the right to be treated fairly and with mutual respect. Every individual at our school has a responsibility for promoting good behaviour. We encourage children to develop self-esteem, self-discipline and a respect for adults and their peers.

Equal Opportunities

Equality of opportunities is the entitlement of all pupils, staff, parents and others associated with the school.  Everyone is regarded as being of equal worth and importance.  The right to equal access enables all individuals to have a wide choice in life and fulfil their potential.

As a staff and governing body we are committed to a policy of equal opportunity for every member of the school.  We have high expectations of all our pupils and aim to provide continuity of experience and equality of education throughout a child’s time with us.  All children have the opportunity to participate in all activities.  It is our aim that every child, whatever his/her cultural, religious or family background, strives for excellence and the fulfilment of their individual potential, whilst respecting others.  We welcome all children and believe it is they who enrich the life of the school.

Special Educational Needs 

All children are valued equally at Kempshott Infant School regardless of their abilities and behaviour.  Carefully differentiated activities enable all children to follow a broad, balanced and relevant education and allow their needs to be met.  We have high expectations of all children and seek to raise their achievement so that they reach their full potential.

The school recognises its responsibility to admit children with special educational needs except where the local authority decides that the school is not an appropriate placement.  The school practises effective inclusion and believes that children with disabilities should be treated equally and be integrated with peers.

The school promotes a whole school approach to meeting the needs of children with special needs, believing that early identification and intervention is paramount. Children are assessed at various times during their school life and those identified with having special educational needs are given extra support. Where appropriate we work closely with outside agencies and other professionals to meet the individual needs of the child. Children with special educational needs are not only children with learning difficulties, but include children with physical difficulties, emotional and behavioural difficulties, speech and language difficulties and medical conditions.

If you would like to see our Special Education Needs policy or any other policies click here, or please ask at the school office.

Able Child

Children who are found to be gifted or talented in a particular curriculum or aesthetic area will also be given support, encouragement and special programmes of work in order that their learning potential will be esteemed and advanced, while remaining mindful of the whole child’s emotional, social and intellectual growth.