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Curriculum Plans

Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Topic What Makes Me Amazing!

Up, Up and Away!

Key Texts

Super Duper You!

The 3 Billy Goat’s Gruff

The Gingerbread Man

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Hare and Tortoise

The Lion Inside

The Lion and the Mouse

British Value Democracy Individual Liberty
Learning Value Independence Resilience

Pop Art – Andy Warhol

I can use a wide range of art and design techniques in using texture, line, shape, form and space.

I can use drawing, to develop and share my ideas, experiences and imagination.

I can learn about the work of a range of artists, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to my own work.

Mali Morris

I can learn about the work of a range of artists, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to my own work.

I can use a wide range of art and design techniques in using texture, line, shape, form and space.


I understand what an algorithm is.

I can create a computer program using simple algorithms.

I can use the button and turtle objects.

I understand how to use the repeat command.

I understand how to use the timer command.

I can compare the actions of the turtle and character objects.

I know what debugging means.

I understand the need to test and debug a program repeatedly.

I can debug simple programs.

I can create programs using different kinds of objects whose behaviours are limited to specific actions.

I can predict what the objects will do in other programs, based on their knowledge of what the object is capable of.

I can discuss how logic helped me understand that I could only predict specific actions, as that is what the objects were limited to.

I can learn to use technology safely and respectfully.

I understand that the information I put online leaves a digital footprint.

I use technology safely and respectfully.

I can recognise whether a website is appropriate for children.

I can use technology safely and respectfully.

I can rate and review informative websites.

I can debug simple programs.

I can talk about being safe online.

I can use technology safely and respectfully.

I can identify kind and unkind behaviour online.

I can access a learning platform safely.


I can select from and use a wide range of materials and components (ingredients)

I can follow instructions to make an aeroplane using a range of materials.

I can design and make a rocket. 

I can make a decoration out of clay.

I can make a pattern.

I can make a pop-up card.


I can locate the United Kingdom on a map.

I can name and locate the four countries of the United Kingdom.

I can name and locate the four capital cities and surrounding seas of the United Kingdom.

I can research facts about the capital cities of the United Kingdom.

I can describe the characteristics of the capital cities of the United Kingdom.

I can describe the human and physical features of one of the United Kingdom’s capital cities.



I can research Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.

I understand why we have Remembrance Sunday

I can identify the significant global impact the Wright Brothers had.

I can identify the changes the Wright Brothers have helped to make to the modern world.

I can research facts about Neil Armstrong.

I can identify the impact Neil Armstrong had on me and globally.



I can experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

I can play tuned and untuned instruments musically. (Playing)

I can play tuned and untuned instruments musically. (Rehearsing and performing)

I can respond to, recognise and distinguish between steady beat and rhythm pattern and how they fit together.

I can identify the way sounds are made (vocalised, shaken, struck, scraped, plucked, strummed, blown or produced electronically).

I can recognise and respond to the different layers of sounds used in music.

I can demonstrate control and accuracy of technique on a range of instruments.

I can sing and play in time, follow a wider range of simple directions and develop awareness of why and how to improve.

I can begin to play with musical intent.

I can demonstrate control and accuracy of technique on a range of instruments.

I can use notation illustrating the musical dimensions of pitch.

I can recognise and distinguish between steady beat and rhythm pattern


Fundamental movement skills

I can skip using a rope.

I can jump in a variety of ways.

I can dribble a ball with either foot.

I can travel with a ball with my head up and with the ball under control.

I can receive a ball and trap it.

I can cushion a pass sent to me.

I can pass in different ways.

I can pass accurately.

I can jump for height.

I can broad jump for distance.

I can catch consistently well.

I can signal that I want the ball. 

Gymnastics – pathways: straight, zipzag & curving

I can jump with a 90 degree turn.

I can turn through 180 degrees.

I can jump through 180 and 270 degrees from a standing start.

I can create a sequence in zig zag pathways.

I can demonstrate variety in my movements.

I can perform with clear starting and finishing positions.

I can demonstrate zig zag and straight pathways in my sequence work.

I can perform with control and adaptations to my original work.

I can work at all 3 levels.

I can perform a sequence of moves in a curved pathway.

I can improve my work by acting upon feedback.

I can travel backwards and sideways as part of a sequence.

I can link my movements together well.

I can perform a variety of moves on the floor using different pathways.

I can make my sequences flow.

Invasion game skills 2

I can throw overarm for my partner to catch after one bounce.

I can catch a ball consistently after one bounce.

I can catch a ball consistently on the fall.

I can move my opponent around court when playing against them.

I can track an opponent.

I can intercept a pass.

I can dodge to beat an opponent.

I can close the space down so that attackers have to work.

I can pass the ball consistently with control.

I can retain possession of the ball.

I can compete with some spatial awareness in team games.

I can pass and move decisively.


Gymnastics – spinning, turning & twisting

I can perform a twist and then roll.

I can change my pathway after each roll by spinning.

I can change the point of contact in balances by leading into the next balance by twisting.

I can twist my body, whilst firstly in motion and then in balance.

I can twist whilst in inversion.

I can perform counter balances against the apparatus.

I can work in synchronisation with a partner to perform different balances and twists.

I can work with a partner in counter balance and counter tension.

I can mirror the moves of my partner.

I can create a sequences of work with a clear start and controlled twists, spins and turns.



I can identify what a symbol is.

I understand that certain symbols can be special to some people.

I can identify special symbols within Christianity.

I can identify special symbols within Hinduism.

I can evaluate my understanding of symbolism within my own life and within the lives of those within the Christian and Hindu faith.


I can discuss my experiences of a journey and a journey’s end.

I can discuss how different experiences of journey’s ends might affect the way we feel about it.

I can identify and discuss how and why some journeys might be important.

I can recognise the journey’s ends for different characters within the Christmas story.

I can discuss the importance of the journey’s end for Christians.


I know about the skills necessary to contribute to the life of the classroom.

I can create a class charter.

I know how group and class rules help us.

I can recognise and name some feelings I might have.

I can describe how others might be feeling.

I can explain how feelings can make my body feel inside.

I can identify who can help them with feelings, and how they can help others.

I can identify feelings that are good or not so good.

I can recognise that people feel differently about things and situations.

I can explain what can change my feelings (from good to not so good and from not so good to good).

I can suggest things that can help myself and others to feel better.

I can recognise that feelings can get stronger.

I can describe how big feelings can affect my behaviour.

I can identify what can help me feel better when they have a big feeling.

I can use words or phrases to ask for help with feelings.

I know how to keep safe on Firework night.

I can learn about people who look after me, my family networks, whom I can go to if they’re worried and how to attract their attention.

I know the importance of listening to other people and find ways to resolve disagreements.

I can learn about groups and communities that I belong to. 

I know about ways to resist teasing and bullying and how coping strategies can be used.

I know about the importance of respect for differences and similarities between people.

I can communicate ideas and views.

I can be affirming to self and others.


I can give reasons why humans need to exercise.

I can identify healthy and unhealthy food and say how much of them I should eat.

I know how and why I should keep myself clean.

I can identify and classify the uses of everyday materials, in the context of the local area.

I can gather and record data to help in answering questions, by exploring the purposes of different objects.

I can identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses, by exploring the purposes of different objects.

I know which material could be used to make a strong, stable chair for the space station.

I can find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching, in the context of recycling.

I can find out about people who have developed new materials, by learning about John McAdam.




Spring 1


Spring 2                          

  Sink or Swim? Magnificent Monarchs
Key Texts The Magic Paintbrush

The Queen’s Hat    

A Walk through London

British Value Mutual Respect Tolerance
Learning Value Respect Teamwork

Jim McDonald

I can learn about the work of a range of artists, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to my own work.

I can use a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, texture, form, line, shape and space.

I can use pastels to develop and share my ideas, experiences and imagination.

William Morris

I can learn about the work of a range of artists, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to my own work.

I can use a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, texture, form, line, shape and space.

I can use watercolours to develop and share my ideas, experiences and imagination.

I can design purposeful, functional, appealing products for myself and other users based on design criteria. (Mother’s Day card)


I understand what an algorithm is.

I can create a computer program using simple algorithms.

I can use the button and turtle objects.

I understand how use the repeat command.

I understand how to use the timer command.

I can compare the actions of the turtle and character objects.

I know what debugging means.

I understand the need to test and debug a program repeatedly.

I can debug simple programs.

I can create programs using different kinds of objects whose behaviours are limited to specific actions.

I can predict what the objects will do in other programs, based on their knowledge of what the object is capable of.

I can discuss how logic helped them understand that they could only predict specific actions, as that is what the objects were limited to.

I can recall the meaning of key Internet and searching terms.

I can complete a quiz about the Internet

I can identify the basic parts of a web search engine search page.

I can read a web search results page.

I am learning to search the Internet for answers to a quiz.

I am learning to create a leaflet to consolidate knowledge of effective Internet searching.

I understand what 2Sequence is and how it works.

I am learning to use the different sounds within 2Sequence to create a tune.

I can explore how to speed up and slow down tunes.

I understand what happens to the tune when sounds are moved.

I am learning how to add sounds to a tune I have already created to change it.

I am learning to consider how music can be used to express feelings.

I am learning to change the volume of the background sounds.

I am learning to create two tunes which depict two feelings.

I am learning how to upload and use my own sound chosen from a bank of sounds.

I am learning to create, upload and use my own recorded sound.

I am learning to create my own tune using some of the chosen sounds.


(Design Technology)

I can develop, generate, model and communicate my ideas through talking, drawing and mock ups, to make a lifeboat model.

I can select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (cutting, shaping, joining and finishing).

I can select from and use a wide range of materials and components.

I can locate oceans that link continents, on a map.

I can name the 5 oceans of the world.

I can locate local and non-European cities on a global map.

I can identify similarities and differences between and local and non-European city.


I can understand and act out the main events from the Titanic.

I can use different sources to understand the events of the sinking of the Titanic.

I can correctly sequence the sinking of the Titanic events.

I can understand that people had different reasons for going on the Titanic and had different experiences there.

I can identify the similarities and differences between the classes of the Titanic.

I can understand sources can have differing information.

I can identify how the Titanic event has had a global impact.

I can identify why the Titanic is still remembered in Hampshire.

I know about Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria.

I can make a timeline of the key events in Queen Victoria’s life.

I can compare the lives of Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria.

I can recognise that history is represented in different ways.

I can make a family tree for the two Queens.

I can identify how Victorian inventions had a global impact and how they impact our lives now.

I know about Alexander Graham Bell and his inventions.

I can compare hospitals in Victorian times and modern day.

I understand how children’s lives were different under the reign of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.

I can research and compare the similarities and differences between schools under the reign of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.


Duration and structure  - ‘Nearer my God to Thee’

I can listen to a piece of music and discuss how it make me feel. (Describing & discussing)

I can compare the suitability of instruments. (Playing)

I can listen and compare two pieces of music. (Listening & responding)

I can play tuned and untuned instruments musically. (Playing)

I can compose music in a small group. (Playing) 

I can play tuned and untuned instruments musically. (Rehearsing and performing)

Dynamics, texture and pitch – Edward Elgar

I can respond to, recognise and identify getting louder and quieter. (Describing & discussing)

I can identify higher and lower sounds and the general shape of melodies. (Listening & responding)

I am beginning to recognise steps, leaps and repeated notes. (Listening & responding)

I can learn a song from a Victorian Music Hall. (Rehearsing and performing)

I can play in time and develop awareness of why and how to improve. (Playing) 

I can play tuned instruments musically. (Playing) 

I can compose in groups and perform in groups. (Rehearsing and performing)


(Physical Education)


I can pose like a variety of jungle animals.

I can control my breathing pattern.

I can bend, stretch and reach.

I can work imaginatively.

I can work without inhibitions.

I can pose depicting Mother Earth.

I can depict Roman Life through my poses.

I can breathe in 3 parts.

I can work quietly focussing on what I am doing in the moment.


Striking and fielding

I can bowl overarm with a straight arm.

I can stop the ball consistently as wicket keeper.

I can pick up a ball one handed and return it underarm.

I can return the ball quickly from my bootlaces.

I can strike a ball to leg from a short delivery.

I can back my friends up in the field.

I can make a long barrier.

I can chase a ball and throw it back accurately.

I can strike a ball off a tee whilst on the move.

I can play a game applying the skills I have learned.

I can demonstrate the school games values.


Target games

I can throw a ball underarm with either hand and with some accuracy at a target.

I can take part in challenges enthusiastically and taking turns.

I can kick a ball with some accuracy with both feet.

I can strike at targets that move.

I can roll a ball with good technique with either hand.

I can roil a ball with some accuracy with either hand.

I can punt a ball with some accuracy with both feet.

I can strike a ball with more control over the height of my punt.

I can strike a ball, with a racket or bat, at a target with some degree of force.

I can strike a ball with a degree of accuracy.

I can aim with accuracy at a target so it hits on the second bounce.

I can throw a ball flatter and with more force. 


Dance – Animals

I can use my body and create theme related shapes, movements and actions.

I can use my body to express simple theme related shapes, movements and feelings.

I can show good listening skills.

I can travel safely and creatively in space.

I can show different levels when I travel.

I can communicate effectively with a partner.

I can use pictures to create shapes, movements and actions.

I Can remember and perform a simple sequence of movements.

I can identify what good looks like and give feedback to help my partner improve.



(Religious Education)

Remembering (Holi)

I can describe, in simple terms, what remembering means.

I can describe ways in which people who follow the Hindu belief system remember.

I can evaluate the importance of remembering by describing how people who follow the Hindu belief system value the celebrations and devotions paid to Vishnu.

I can describe, in simple terms, ways in which I remember events or people.

Remembering (Holi)

I can describe, in simple terms, what remembering means.

I can describe ways in which people who follow the Hindu belief system remember.

I can evaluate the importance of remembering by describing how people who follow the Hindu belief system value the celebrations and devotions paid to Vishnu.

I can describe, in simple terms, ways in which I remember events or people.


(Relationships and Health Education)

I know about routines and habits for maintaining good physical and mental health.

I know why sleep and rest are important for growing and keeping healthy.

I know that medicines, including vaccinations and immunisations, can help people stay healthy and manage allergies.

I understand the importance of, and routines for, brushing teeth and visiting the dentist.

I know about food and drink which affects dental health.

I know about ways to feel good, calm down or change my mood e.g. playing outside, listening to music and spending time with others.

I know how to manage big feelings including those associated with change, loss and bereavement.

I know when and how to ask for help, and how to help others, with their feelings.

I know how important friendships are in making me feel happy and secure, and how people choose and make friends.

I know the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from me (for example, physically, in character, personality or backgrounds), or make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs.

I know the characteristics of friendships.

I know that there is a range of emotions in relation to different experiences and situations.

I can begin to identify whether what I am feeling and how I am behaving is appropriate and proportionate.

I am beginning to recognise when a friendship is making me feel uncomfortable or unhappy.

I am learning how to manage conflict, how to manage these situations and how to seek help from others, if needed.

I am learning that most friendships have ups and downs, and that these can often be worked through so the friendship is repaired or even strengthened and that resorting to violence is never right.

I am learning where and how to report concerns and get support with issues online.

I am learning how important friendships are in making me feel happy and secure, and how people choose and make friends.


I can explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive by thinking about life processes.

I can use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions by explaining how I know something is living, dead or has never been alive.

I can identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, by mapping a habitat and identifying its inhabitants.

I can identify and classify, and sort objects into categories by sorting objects that are living, dead and have never been alive.

I can identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, by researching habitats and the animals that live in them.

I can ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways by asking and answering questions about a range of different habitats.

I can identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other by considering the adaptations of animals, and how living things in a habitat depend on each other.

I can describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food by making a variety of food chains.

I can explore and talk about how plants grow.

I can plan an experiment and investigate my ideas.

I can carry out an investigation.

I can report the results of my investigation.


  Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic Pole to Pole Sweet Like Chocolate
Key texts The Storm Whale Wanted: Chocolate Monster
British Value Rule of Law I Really do Matter (Revisit all values)
Learning Value Creativity Aspiration

Anthony Gormley – Sculpture

To know the features of a famous artists work and be able to talk about him.

To sketch their ideas and write their ideas down.

To use their sculpting skills to create a piece of art in the style of a famous artist.

To use finishing techniques on their own piece of art.

To build knowledge of a chocolate brand.

To sketch features of chocolate packaging and start to generate my own ideas and designs.

To create my own chocolate bar name and explore different texts used in packaging

To create my own chocolate bar wrapper/packaging design.


To learn to understand that the information on pictograms cannot be used to answer more complicated questions.

To learn to use a range of yes/no questions to separate different items.

To learn to understand what is meant by a binary tree.

To learn how to design a binary tree to sort pictures of children.

To learn to understand that questions are limited to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in a binary tree.

To learn to understand that the user cannot use 2Question to find out answers to more complicated questions.

To learn to match 2Simple item pictures to names using a binary tree.

To learn to understand what is meant by a database.

To learn to use a database to answer simple and more complex search questions.

To use a digital device to take a photograph.

To upload a photograph from a digital device.

To save a photograph onto the Chrome Books.

To use a digital device to take a video.

To edit a video from a digital device.

To upload a video from a digital device.

To save a video onto the Chrome Book.

To know what is needed to create a video using a digital device.

To plan the content for filming a video.

To record a video using a digital device.

To edit and save a video using a digital device.

To record a video using a digital device

To edit and save a video using a digital device.


To identify hot and cold places in the local environment.

To identify hot and cold places and locate them on a map.  

To recognise the features of hot and cold places.

To identify the location of hot and cold areas and to explore what it would be like to live there.

To compare a pack list for a trip to a hot place with a list for a cold place.

To describe what would be seen in a hot or cold place.

To identify and compare weather patterns.

To locate where cocoa beans are grown on a map.

To explain why cocoa can only be grown in those places.


To demonstrate accuracy and control of correct technique on a tuned instrument.

To play with musical intent. 

To experiment with, create, select and combine the inter-related dimensions of music.

To respond to, identify and use graphic notation.

To listen to a piece of music and discuss the different instruments heard.

To listen to a piece of music and discuss the inter-related dimensions of the piece of music.

To listen to a piece of music and practise singing a piece of music.

To practise and perform a piece of music.

PE- Physical Eduation



To show a sense of anticipation to begin work.

To react quickly.

To demonstrate agility, balance and coordination.

To coordinate a run with a jump.

To discover and develop different styles of jumping.

To leap, jump and hop.

To jump in a variety of ways competently.

To add a short run up to my jump.

To throw with good technique.

To throw with a run up.

To help a peer improve their performance with good feedback.

To demonstrate a variety of athletic techniques competently.



To use my body and create theme related shapes, movements and actions.

To use my body to express simple theme related shapes, movements and feelings.

To show good listening skills.

To travel safely and creatively in space.

To show different levels when I travel.

To communicate effectively with a partner.

To use pictures and poems to create shapes, movements and actions.

To remember and perform simple sequences if movement.

To identify what good looks like and give feedback to help my partner improve.



To understand the role of the beater and begin applying the skills necessary to defend.

To learn the role of the beater in Quidditch.

To develop understanding of the roles of a Keeper.

To develop understanding of the roles of a Keeper.

To develop understanding of the roles of a Keeper.

To apply knowledge of the role of a keeper and a beater in a competitive situation.

To understand the role of the Chaser.



To use my body and create theme related shapes, movements and actions.

To use my body to express simple theme related shapes, movements and feelings.

To show good listening skills.

To travel safely and creatively in space.

To show different levels when I travel.

To communicate effectively with a partner.

To use pictures and poems to create shapes, movements and actions.

To remember and perform simple sequences if movement.

To identify what good looks like and give feedback to help my partner improve.

RE - Religious Education 

To describe in simple terms what the concept of ‘specialness’ means.

To identify simple examples of how my responses relate to my own life and those of others.

To describe in simple terms my responses to the concept of ‘specialness’.

To simply describe ways in which the concept of ‘specialness’ is expressed in the context of the practices of Christianity.

To evaluate the concept of ‘specialness’ by describing in simple terms its value to Christians.

To describe my own understanding and representations of God.

To discuss when I or others might think about God.

To extend my understanding of God by exploring ways in which Christians describe God.

To discuss how Hindus represent their God.

To evaluate their understanding of God by describing the value of God to Hindus and Christians.

RHEd - Relationships and Health Education

To learn about the human cycle and how people grow old.

To learn how our needs and bodies change as we grow up.

To learn about the change as people grow up, including opportunities and responsibilities.

To learn about things that people can put into their body or onto their skin (e.g. medicines and creams) and how these can affect how people feel.

To learn about medicines, and the people who help them to stay healthy.

To learn to recognise risk in everyday situations, e.g. road, water and rail safety and medicines.

To learn to keep themselves safe in familiar and unfamiliar environments, such as in school, online, and ‘out and about’.

To learn to identify potential unsafe situations, who is responsible for keeping them safe in these situations, and steps they can take to avoid or remove themselves from danger.

To learn to keep themselves safe at home in relation to electrical appliances, fire safety and medicines/household products.

To learn how to respond if there is an accident and someone is hurt.

To learn about whose job it is to keep us safe and to get help in an emergency, including how to dial 999 and what to say.

To know what it means to keep something private.

To understand the difference between good and bad secrets and the importance of sharing bad secrets with their special people.

To recognise hurtful behaviour, including online.

To know what bullying is and different types of bullying.

To understand how someone might feel if they are being bullied.

To know what to do and whom to tell if they see or experience hurtful behaviour including online.

To know what joking, teasing and bullying means.

To know some strategies for coping with bullying.

To identify people who they can tell to get help.

To understand how their actions can impact others.

To understand the importance of respect for differences and similarities between people.

To communicate ideas and views.

To be affirming to self and other.

To know what money is and it’s different forms e.g. coins, notes, and different ways of paying for things e.g. debit cards, electronic payments, apple pay using phones.

To know how money can be kept and looked after.

To know about getting, keeping and spending money.

To recognise the difference between needs and wants.

To know how people make choices about spending money, including thinking about needs and wants.


To know that animals grow until they reach maturity and then don’t grow any larger.

To know that animals reproduce when they reach maturity.

To know that all animals eventually, die.

To know that different animals live to different ages.

To know that different animals reach different sizes before they are able to reproduce.

To know that different animals reproduce at different ages.

To know that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults.

To understand that the higher the ball goes the bouncier it is.

To discuss the best properties/materials for the job.

To explore different objects and move them in a variety of ways.

To measure accurately.

To understand that materials have different properties.

To understand that some of the properties will slow an object down when it is moved over it.

To understand the properties of materials that will slow an object down.

To discuss and understand that smooth surfaces make an object go further.

To create a question they would like to answer.

To plan what they are going to keep the same and what they are changing.

To understand the different properties of materials.

To investigate a problem and show what they have found out.

To talk about the effect a material has on a marble (speed up / slow down).

To understand what a push is and what a pull is.

To understand that they have an effect on an object through pushing and pulling it.

To investigate a problem and show what they have found out.